Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday
10am - 6pm
Tuesday - Sunday
10am - 6pm
Transmission Gallery is located in Merchant City, in the center of Glasgow.
It is easily accessible by public transport, bike, or car.
The closest train station is Argyle street, and a 10min walk away from Central station.
The closest stops are Candlebriggs and Osborne street.
There is a public parking lot on King St. just two blocks away from the gallery.
There are plenty of bike racks in the vicinity, however, the gallery doesn't count with one of its own.
We welcome all visitors. If you have an access requirement which we haven’t listed here, please get in touch in advance of your visit and we will make our best endeavours to help you.
Quiet times to visit exhibitions are Wednesdays and Thursdays, particularly mid-afternoon. If you require an empty gallery space in order to comfortably and safely visit our exhibitions, for example if you are neurodivergent or if you are shielding, please contact and we will arrange this with you.
Large print exhibition text is available upon request at the Box Office. Assistance animals are always welcome.
Transmission main gallery is wheelchair accessible. The ground floor and archives
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You can reach us by email at:
or send us a message in any of our socials:
This website was made by Rodrigo Nava Ramírez, an artist and computer programmer from Mexico City.